bdsm sex story Antarvasna in English

bdsm sex story Antarvasna in English

Dark Dreamer: Island of Terror

You’ve all read Lord of the Rings? Well, this is the same story
only with girls added into the equation Boys from a military
. Other Bdsm sex Stories: free bdsm sex story school, and girls from a Catholic high school are stranded on an
island together. Bdsm sex Story of your choice: bdsm_spanking_story Pretty soon the girls are learning discipline and
.erotic_bdsm_story pain. More Texts Here bdsm_sex_story And when the boys discover a local vegetable that makes the
. More Pergnant Text for your lesbian_bdsm_story girls weak-willed and obedient they really take command.

BTW. More Pergnant Text for your bdsm_library_story This story starts out slowly, so if you want something that
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Part One

None of us could have dreamed of what we were getting into that
early January day, when we boarded the plane in New York. Other erotic fiction on this topic bdsm_gay_story We were
. More Texts Here bdsm_erotic_free_story all going off to the south Pacific, ten teenage girls from snooty
Rushdale Academy, going down to see how the natives lived in
Malaysia and the Philippines.

For most of us it was nothing more than an excuse to get away
from New York’s cruddy winter and get a nice tan There were a few
do gooders along of course, but weren’t there always?

The main topics for conversation were what the accommodations
would be like, and what the boys would be like The boys were the
guys from Morehaven, an all boys military school, that were
supposed to accompany us.

Annie Fox was saying how the boys must all be druggies or
something, or else why would their parents send them to a military

“Thats stupid Annie” Wendy said, flatly “My brother goes to a
military academy, and theres nothing wrong with him.”

“According to whom” Annie sniffed Wendy looked at her
dangerously and Annie wisely shut her mouth.

Annie might be the snottiest, snobbiest, nastiest girl in
school, but Wendy was the toughest by far Wendy didn’t get into
complicated philosophical arguments or try to top another girl’s
put down She tended more towards punching the offender in the
stomach or face.

Not that she was mean or anything Wendy wasn’t a bully She
just didn’t take any crap from anyone, girl or boy, man or woman.
She was captain of the swim team, captain of the volley ball team,
and captain of the field hockey team.

She was the proverbial tomboy, cute snub nose, wide but pretty
blue eyes, short blonde hair, and thin but athletic body Annie was
taller than her, and weighed more, but she was a powderpuff, too
spoiled to have any strength in her limbs at all.

Her legs were for boys to watch, not to walk on, and her arms
and hands were for waving and fluttering about, not working with,
let alone fighting with Annie hated school, and only went because
she hadn’t any choice.

“Why should I go to school anyway?” she often said, “I’m filthy
rich I don’t need to work, and I never will”

She spent all her time preening her long brown hair, and
constantly perfecting her makeup I’d known her a long time, and
had never met anyone as conceited and lazy and spoiled Even when
she was thirteen, she was talking about getting plastic surgery on
her ear tips, or nose, or cheekbones.

When she’d turned fifteen, and it had become apparent that
nature wasn’t going to endow her with anything bigger than a size
thirty-two chest, she’d spent weeks pouting and begging her parents
for breast enlargement surgery, only to find out after they gave
in, that no doctor would do it until she was eighteen.

So now she wore a padded bra, and avoided changing in front of
the rest of us.

I slipped a chocolate into my mouth and gazed out the window,
wondering what we’d find ahead.

“Can I have one of those?” I handed a chocolate to Penny, who
grinned and thanked me.

“Don’t you think you should watch your weight dear?” Annie
purred from across the aisle Penny flushed red, and gazed down at
the chocolate uncertainly I turned to frown at Annie

“Why don’t you mind your own business DEAR?” I glared.

“Well, my goodness, such hostility I was only trying to help
the poor dear I mean, she is slightly
“She is not obese you snooty cow! You just like bugging her.”

“Well, really Meghan, I’m sorry my showing any attention to
Penny bothers you.” she looked meaningfully at Cathy Simmons, her
partner in snottiness seatmate I didn’t miss the insinuation, nor
did Penny, who colored an even brighter shade of red.

In fact, from a lot of angles Penny did look overweight,
especially if she was wearing anything loose, which she usually
was, but she wasn’t at all fat, as Annie well knew The problem was
that Penny had enormous, simply huge round breasts They were
something to behold, drawing envious glances in the shower room.

Penny’s big chest irked Annie more than just a little bit She
was always needling the girl, who was so completely shy and tongue
tied, she couldn’t defend herself If Annie wasn’t poking subtle
taunts at Penny’s big chest, she was putting down her family, or
insinuating her hair, a bright, very light blonde, was colored, or

She was always calling her the Milkmaid, and treating her like
some slutty, dumb Scandinavian peasant girl Penny was such a nice
kid that it irritated me to no end, and I had to stick up for her,
no matter what Annie implied.

But then Wendy leaned across and stared hard at Annie, and
whatever other words the girl was going to say died Wendy was my
friend you see, she didn’t really get along with very many of the
other girls, thinking them all spoiled and dumb.

I was on the swim team with her though, and we’d gotten to be
good friends Actually, a little bit more than just good friends
Annie’s nasty insinuation about me and Penny was dead wrong, but me
and Wendy
I remembered back last year after we’d won the regional
championship The whole team had gone out to celebrate Some of us
had managed to slip away from the coaches, and make it over to
Clair Donovan’s house, where we’d gotten totally pissed.

I lived only a few blocks down from Clair, and after we’d had
more than a few, I’d suggested to Wendy that she spend the night at
my place I knew her parents were really hard edged conservatives,
and would throw a shit fit if she came home half pissed like she

Wendy had agreed, phoned home to get permission, and then gotten
drunk as a Lord, or Lady, or whatever I’d had to keep shushing her
up as we staggered down the streets to my house afterwards She
kept trying to sing some dirty song she’d learned from her

We’d snuck through the gate and up the long driveway, then half
climbed, half fell through a hedge and into the back yard My
parents bedroom faced the front and we didn’t want to get caught


“Whos gonna hear ushh anyway? Your parents are in the front, ten
fucken miles away” she giggled We did have a big house, thirty
eight room actually The chances of my parents hearing anything
less than a full blown explosion out here was pretty slim.

Wendy fell, pulling me to the grass, and giggling stupidly I
couldn’t help join her, and the two of us lay on the grass acting
like assholes for several minutes.

Then she’d spied the pool and sat up quickly.

“You got a fucken pool!” she yelped.

“Uh,huh.” She staggered upright and blundered across the yard,
through the tennis court and over to the pool I got up and
wandered after her.

I heard a loud splash and tried to run, but almost fell again.
Anyway, I heard laughter coming from the pool and knew she was
okay I trotted up to the edge and looked in

“Come on in.” she shouted.

“Too dark.”

“Turn on the fucken lights.”

“Somebody might see us.” I protested.

“Aaahhhmy ankle, jerking me off balance and into the pool I gave a short
scream, cut off as I splashed into the cool water Then I was
popping to the surface, sputtering in annoyance as Wendy
backstroked and giggled at me.

“You dumb bitch!” I cursed.

“Race you.” she taunted.

She pulled off her jeans and threw them up onto the cement, then
pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it as well She stripped
off her bra and panties and they followed Then she swam slowly
back and forth, doing the backstroke.

“I hope my Dad comes out and sees you like that.” I laughed.

“Wimp” she called back I wasn’t at all shocked at her skinny
dipping, after all, I’d seen her naked enough in the showers I
quickly stripped off my own clothes, tossing them ashore.

We went to one end of the pool and held a countdown, then took
off, splashing toward the far end Wendy was a better swimmer than
me, but she was also a lot drunker than me I started to pull ahead
of her, and she grabbed my ankles, pulling me back, and throwing me
off my pace.

She laughed as she swam by and I indignantly twisted around in
the water and scissored my legs together around her hips, dragging
her under We struggled in the water for long seconds, turning over
and over, wrestling for superiority.

Then we both broke the surface with a pair of great heaving
gasps for air We faced each other, our hands linked together,
trying to pull or push each other under I managed to get a bit of
leverage by leaping up a foot and bringing my weight down on her,
shoving her under briefly, but then she pulled me under again too.

We both laughed like idiots when we popped up again “Not fair!”
she complained “You’ve got more ballast than me” she reached down
and pinched my right nipple between her fingers, yanking on it as
I yelped in protest.

I knocked her hand away and rubbed at my sore breasts grumpily.

“Flatsy” I sniffed She wasn’t really, she had nice cone shaped
breasts, if a little on the modest side, but they were certainly
smaller than my bigger rounded ones.

“Want me to kiss it and make it better?” That was a normal
enough snotty remark from her, but there was something in her voice
that made me choke back the normal response and stare at her.

She moved over right next to me and stared at me from only a
foot or so away We were both standing in water up to our lower
chests She moved closer as I stood there uncertainly She wasn’t
smiling anymore Then her hand reached down to my wounded breast
and cupped it gently I flinched, and my hand moved up to knock
hers away, but stopped inches away.

Her other hand cupped my other breast, and she began squeezing
them both very softly Then she leaned over and brought her mouth
to the nipple she’d pinched Her lips closed around it and she
sucked lightly Her tongue slid back and forth on the little bud,
and I could almost feel it, and my breasts hardening.

For long seconds her mouth slid round and round my nipple,
suckling, licking, nibbling Her hands were still on both breasts,
and she was stroking my right breast, while squeezing my left,
which held her mouth.

I shuddered, a hot flush moving through my body, as that hot,
dark center between my legs started to burn with lust I stood
there, unmoving, my hands limp at my sides, as Wendy worked her
mouth over one, then the other breast, mouthing the nipples,
sucking, sliding her tongue over and over the smooth, soft breast

She straightened, and we looked deep into each others eyes Both
of us were breathing hard, uncertain of the other Then she kissed
me At first it was soft, as soft as air sliding across my lips
Then as seconds passed and I didn’t scream or push her away, her
lips moved more hungrily, pressed against mine more demandingly.

Her hands slid around my back and shoulders and hugged me
against her Our bodies moved together, all wet and dripping and
warm from our excitement and exertion Her breasts were firm and at
the same time,incredibly soft Her pointy little nipples dug
painlessly into the tender skin of my rounded orbs.

My own nipples were rock hard, and stiffened even more as they
rubbed and ground against her breasts Her tongue shot into my
mouth, and twined with my own as her hands slid up and down my back
with desperate urgency.

Then I gasped as her hands moved down onto my buttocks Each of
her hands cupped and squeezed one of my silky smooth ass cheeks,
pulling my loins up against her own, lifting my feet off the bottom
of the pool.

My body was growing hotter and hotter, my mind a turmoil of
carnal thoughts and feelings My arms moved around her, my hands
sliding up and down her back, wanting to feel the softness of her

My legs came up and slid around her, and her hands slid down my
ass to hold me up against her, there in the water I felt my cunt
rub against her belly as I gripped her tight against me, and a
shiver passed up my spine.

Our breasts were flattened against each other, the mammary meat
crushing and mashing back and forth Our lips were sliding around
together with fierce energy, our tongues darting and dancing back
and forth between each other’s mouths.

She walked over to the edge of the pool, still carrying me,
still locked in a tight soulful embrace Her strong arms lifted me
higher, out of the water, setting me back on the edge of the pool.
I unwound my legs and arms from her and sat back, my legs dangling
in the water.

Wendy pushed my legs wide open, shoving them far apart, so I
couldn’t balance my drunken self and had to lay back on my back.
She stared into my crotch, and a hot flush of embarrassment surged
through me at such intimacy Then I gave a strangled gasp as her
tongue slid up along the length of my lightly furred slit.

My back arched, and my legs twitched and jerked on the hard
concrete Her tongue dipped deeper, sliding upwards, digging into
my labia, finding my clit She lapped at it, holding me open as she
worked her tongue expertly, driving me shivering and shaking into
a tremendous, mind shattering cum.

I twitched and flopped there on the concrete, my head twisting
back an forth as my body poured out energy Hot flooding sexual
stimuli sped through my body, setting my nerve endings to jingling
and spasming My hands came up of their own volition, and seized my
aching breasts, squeezing repeatedly.

Wendy’s tongue buzzed across my clit, then slowly worked its way
down along my slit Up and down it moved as her fingers rubbed over
my clit, and dipped in and out of my cunthole Deeper and deeper
they moved, two fingers, fucking my cunt box, stabbing into me to
the knuckles.

I came again, even more intensely than the first time I
whimpered in denial as the floodgates opened inside me and a
massive tidal rush of ecstatic sexual power rushed forth,
enveloping my body from top to bottom in an electrifying roar of

I think I passed out I’m not sure I opened my eyes though, to
find Wendy lying beside me, propped up on her elbow, smiling

“Wendysay She leaned forward and kissed me again, very gently Then she
got up, gathering our clothes together, and holding out a hand for
me I got up and followed her into the sleeping house

Needless to say, we hadn’t gotten much sleep that night We’d
gone on till the sun rose, licking, kissing, loving each other’s
bodies It had only happened once, probably because we were both
drunk, and on an emotional high We hadn’t even talked about it
since then Still, we were the best of friends now

Wendy was sitting next to the window, with me beside her and
Penny on my right Across the aisle was Annie, by the other window,
then Cathy, with her long brown hair and narrow face, then poor
Heather, five feet soaking wet, if she was lucky, and another easy
target for Annie to bully.

Holly and Kelly were behind us, twin red headed sisters who did
everything together Behind Annie and the others was Carolyn and
Amy Carolyn was the intellectual of us all, one of the goody
goodies She had short brown hair and wore big round glasses She
got straight A’s and knew everything about everything.

Amy was a Carolyn wannaby, imitating her heroine, in
studiousness and demeanour They both dressed conservatively enough
for a Catholic school, and acted like teachers pets They were
probably the only two going on this trip who were actually hoping
to be educated.

Hours later, after even Annie had gotten tired of talking, we
landed in Malaysia We trotted across the tarmac to another plane,
this one a small water landing propeller model There was a man
wearing a uniform standing outside the little door, frowning at us.

“Sorry were late Captain.” Miss Carter said.

She turned to us “Ladies, this is Captain Brown, who will be
with us for the rest of the trip He’s from Fort Morehaven school,
and will be in charge, as he’s been on this trip before.

“Ladies, he said, looking over us imperiously, as if making sure
we were standing at attention We weren’t

“My men are already packed and waiting aboard You ladies stow
your gear here,” he pointed at a baggage door on the underside of
the plane “
He said this last part like we’d personally insulted him.

“Like its our fault the plane was late taking off.” I whispered
to Wendy.

We threw everything inside and then trotted up the stairs There
were supposed to be twenty boys there, but I didn’t try to count.
The back rows had been left clear and we all quickly sat down and
strapped in as the propellers started up.

The plane took off after a long bouncy ride It was the first
time I’d been in a small plane and it amazed me how much more I
could feel it’s movements than on the big jets I’d ridden.

Again we rode for several hours Some of the luckier girls
nodding off I talked quietly with Wendy mostly, as the noise of
the engines droned on.

Then the plane shook I looked up in alarm, and the captain, not
Captain Brown, but the one flying the plane, came over the P.A, and
told everyone we were passing through a storm, and to do up their

Nobody slept after that The ride got bumpier and bumpier We
flew up and then dropped down, leaving our stomachs near the roof.
After twenty minutes of this everyone was ready for the barf bags,
except we hadn’t eaten in hours and didn’t have much to barf.

This went on for almost an hour, during which our initial panic
gave way to a kind of annoyed acceptance, and a kind of lofty
snobbishness set in I guess we all sort of said to ourselves,
well, what can you expect from a third world airplane being flown
by some banana eater.

It wasn’t really a conscious thought, most of us were pretty
liberal, except for Annie and Cathy Nevertheless, there was the
thought that this wouldn’t happen if we were on TWA.

Then the Captain called back from the cockpit again This time
he was so excited, he forgot to speak english Captain Brown yelled
out that we were going to land in the ocean and for everybody to
bend forward.

The next five minutes were the most terrifying in my life, as
the plane swung up and down and then hit something, hard We
bounced into the air, and then came down again, then bounced again,
before staying down I couldn’t help looking up to see water flying
past the window, and fear clutched my heart.

Then the bounced calmed down slightly as our speed dropped We
all sat up and started babbling in frightened voices.

“Miss Carter! Keep those shrieking hens quiet!” Brown yelled
back I shut up indignantly before Miss Carter even started
shushing us Even in the midst of a disaster I resented being

The plane bounced through the waters for several minutes as
Captain Brown stood braced in the cockpit door, talking to the
pilots Then he turned and held one hand up in the air for silence

“Theres an island up ahead We’re going to land the plane
there” he said “We’ll ride out the storm there, and ten try to
repair the engines.” A few minutes later there was another larger
bump, then the plane stopped.

Captain Brown moved over to the door and flung it down and open.
I could see rain pelting down outside and hear it striking the

He turned to one of the boys and said something The boy stood
up He was wearing a uniform too I noticed, and jumped out the
door Then I heard him calling to Brown Brown nodded and turned
back to us.

“All right, I want you ladies to come up here one at a time One
of my boys will accompany each of you out the door and to the
beach The water is only about four feet deep her, so you shouldn’t
have any difficulty.”

One by one the girls moved up to the front of the plane, and a
boy got up and went out with them When It was my turn, I wanted to
say forget it, or at least tell them I wanted to go with Wendy,
after all, we were on the swim team, but my courage deserted me in
the face of those steely eyes and I meekly scurried up to the

A tall boy of eighteen or nineteen went out first, and then
stood there in the water waiting for me to jump I held my breath
and then dropped down, surprised at the warmth of the water as it
covered me to the shoulders.

The boy slid a hand around my arm and held tightly as we walked
towards shore I would have preferred swimming, but that wasn’t an
option I joined seven other dripping wet girls on the beach and
turned to watch Wendy coming out.

Then the rest of the boys piled out, followed by Captain Brown
and Miss Carter They all walked ashore like they were assaulting
the beach in some World War Two movie, they’d probably practised
this before even.

They were hauling on a long rope attached to the side of the
plane, pulling it ashore behind them That was good I wanted some
dry clothes The water might be warm enough, but standing soaking
wet was never a fun thing.

“Hey!” One of the boys on the beach suddenly yelled I looked up
from the Captain and Miss Brown to the plane One of the pilots was
leaning out the door with a long knife, sawing away at the rope.
Captain Brown yelled something at him, but he only sawed faster.

Brown and the boys started hurrying back toward the plane but
the rope came free then The man pulled up the door and the engines
started The propellers started spinning and then the plane moved
out away from shore, leaving the furious Captain Brown and his boys

Boy is he pissed, I thought We could hear him cursing from the
shore, as the plane moved faster and faster, and then bounced into
the air.

Several minutes later it was gone, and we all stood on the shore
pondering what we were going to do.

“Probably after all our luggage.” Captain Brown snarled, glaring
up at the sky angrily.

“Banything really valuable.”

“Twenty dollars is a months salary to these people.” Brown
growled, still staring up at the empty sky.

He turned and stared around at us.

“All right men Survival actions Let’s look for shelter, water,
and food, in that order Smith, take two men, look for shelter
Mclean, you take two and find water, and Ferguson, you go and
locate some food.” He clapped his hands and a bunch of the boys
took off in different directions.

“How are we supposed to get off this crummy place?” Annie
whined The Captain turned and eyed her distastefully

“We will get off when we find a way off, or somebody comes and
takes us off It shouldn’t be long” he said

“In the meantime, you ladies stay together and don’t wander off
and get lost” I turned to Wendy and she shrugged We moved away
from the water, towards the bushes and woods The Captain wouldn’t
let us go into them though, so we had to stay out on the beach in
the rain.

Most of the boys stripped to the waist, dropping their soggy
uniform jackets and shirts in a pile Having nothing better to do,
me and Wendy, and Penny occupied our time watching them Annie of
course, occupied her time by whining and bitching endlessly to
anyone who’d listen.

“Those guys must work out.” Wendy said, admiring the physique of
a pair of boys returning from the jungle.

“Probably have to do ten mile hikes and all that shit.” I said.

“I wish they’d take off their bottoms too.” Penny giggled.

“My what a smutty mind you have.” Wendy said, admiringly.

“It’s not a bad thought though.” I grinned, twisting my hair
together to wring out some of the water.

“Maybe you should take off your dress.” Wendy teased.

“Shit I wish I could” I sighed, running my hands over the
sopping garment It was made of velvet and was totally destroyed
now When it dried, it’d look like shit

“They could have at least left us our clothes.” Penny

“Maybe we can get them to take a course in etiquette when we
find them.” Wendy grunted.

It finally stopped raining Captain Brown sent more of his boys
into the woods to explore, and look for shelter Those of us who
could, stripped off some of our clothes to let them dry in the sun.
Mostly that consisted of sweaters and jackets Nobody was going to
strip down to their underwear with all these boys around.

Then the Captain announced they’d found a place for us to set up
in It was a big cave not far away, near a waterfall So, we all
had to troop through the bushes for another hour until we finally
dropped down exhausted, near the cave

बेस्ट कहानियाँ


  1. भाई से धोखा करके भाभी को चोदा
  2. ब्यापार से पैसा भी,चुदाई से मज्जा भी
  3. शादी में चुदाई का मजा
  4. जिगोलो बनने की चाहत पूरी हो गयी
  5. वासनावश सेक्सी भाभी ने मवाली से चुत चुदवा ली- 1

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